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Children, Youth & Family Formation

Jesus took children and youth seriously. At CHN, we are committed to the nurture and growth of all of our young people, and we also know that these young people have much to offer and teach the church. Our programming is built for children and youth to experience affirmation, belonging, and connection as they grow and discern their unique roles in bringing about God's more just and loving world.



Our youngest members, with all of their noises and movements and full selves, are always welcome in our church services. We want ALL members and newcomers to experience belonging as we worship together, including the littlest ones. A nursery is also available most Sundays during the service. Children may be picked up from the nursery for Communion. 


The nursery is located in the Manger on the lower level.  


Sunday School

Sunday School is a space for our children and youth to grow in knowledge about God, Scripture, and the faith and traditions of the Episcopal and universal church. Sunday School runs from September to May. Children and youth are dismissed to Sunday School after Communion, and conclude at 11:15 am. 


Preschool-5th graders gather in the Shepherds Room for Godly Play, a Montessori-based curriculum that makes meaning through story, wonder, and play. 

Students in grades 6 through 12 gather in the Bethlehem Room for teaching, multimedia engagement, and discussion on the Bible and its context, as well as Episcopal beliefs and practice. 


Youth Group (EYC)

In Episcopal Youth Community (EYC), our youth are invited to bring their questions and insights as we gather for a time of discussion, fun, and community building. It's a space for laughter, connection, and processing together what it means to be Christians in a complex world. 

EYC meets in the Grotto on the lower level on Sunday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. 

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