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Worship Ministries

Altar Guild

Martha Garnett, Chairman

A volunteer group of the parish whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels (items used during the Holy Eucharist), and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services, keeping candles fresh or filled with oil, supervise seasonal decorations and cleaning up afterwards. Altar Guild is always looking for new members. Volunteers are scheduled in pairs usually one weekend a month.


Mimi Johnson, Chairman

Acolytes give the worship service a sense of order and grace. They carry the processional cross and torches and assist in many ways throughout the service. At CHN, this servant ministry is largely a ministry of children and adolescents; but it is appropriate for lay adults to serve as acolytes as well.


Greeters create a place of warmth and welcome for all who gather by greeting people as they arrive for services. They take an active part in the worship service and present the oblations (hosts & wine) for communion. The volunteers can be individuals or families and are scheduled only for the 9:30 am service usually once every two months.


An usher’s primary duties are to provide people with service bulletins, help people find seats if they are running late or are new to the church, pass the collection plate during the offering, and present the offerings to the church. Ushers also direct people to the altar for communion. Ushers are scheduled in pairs during the 9:30 am service.

Lectors (Scripture Readers)

The office of lay reader is among the oldest of the liturgical lay (non-ordained pastoral) ministries. Lectors read the scripture lessons from the ambo (podium).

Intercessors (Prayer Leaders)

One who prays on behalf of another or others. An Intercessor leads the congregation in the written "Prayers of the People", which include prayers from the Chicago Diocese Cycle of Prayers, CHN's own cycle of prayer for members and families, prayers for community, state, and world, prayers for healing, and prayers for those who have died.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Lay Eucharistic Ministers are licensed to assist the celebrant and help administer the consecrated elements of the Holy Eucharist. Lay Eucharistic Ministers may also leave from or following the 9:30 am service to share the sacrament with members of the congregation who were unable to be present because of illness or other reasons.

Coffee Hour Hosts

Fellowship is an integral part of a community of faith. One of the ways we offer fellowship at Church of the Holy Nativity is through a coffee hour following the 9:30 am worship service. Coffee Hour Hosts brew coffee and provide treats and are scheduled one Sunday every two to three months. Costs incurred are encouraged to be turned in for reimbursement to the church office. The Fellowship Committee occasionally works with Coffee Hour Hosts when their is a church event, i.e. Baptism, Funeral, seasonal celebration.

Sound System Engineers

John Brackett, Chairman

Church of the Holy Nativity has a sound system that helps all clearly hear all parts of the service, i.e. music, celebrant, readings), along with an assistive hearing device for the hearing impaired. CHN records worship services for use by the community. It is copied to a CD and located in the Message Center. Sound System Engineers are always looking for new volunteers.

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